Monday 28 September 2009


All that I've ever learned,
All that I've experienced,
All that I gain
And all that I've lost,
Has led me to be sure about three things:
That everything comes, lingers then passes away,
This truth I believe.
All is in birth, life and living,
It's the importance of growth, maturing and ascending.
It's not for us to know why or how but to realize the truth 
that lies within the beauty of That
Which is, loving without boundaries.
Not in the knowing from the perception of mind,
But the knowing, that sits beyond all understanding. 


  1. Really like this one VF

    Another thought provoking poem .



  2. "Not in the knowing from the perception of mind,
    But the knowing, that sits beyond all understanding."

    Really amazing stuff you have.

  3. Thanks Snowshoe for your comment, glad you like it!

    Thanks Just That Type Of Girl, for your positive comments!
