Friday 12 October 2012

THE TEA BOX! (Richmond)

I hear word paintings at the Tea Box,
Poetry, Verse and Sonnets the open mic attracts the lot,
Virgin readers, old, young some venting creative sores,
From armchair politics, love, war and tales told using abstract metaphors,
While the experienced artists hold court carrying their status as poetic lords...
in the art of fine eloquence delivered like classical bards pleasing the hordes.
All is silent as images, pictures and scenes...
Play and take shape through the beauty of words swooning like scattered tinsel dust in virtual breeze...
Stroking the mind... at times prodding personal themes.
And every one present is tuned into listening to the many rhymes...
from 8pm to 10 each poem clunks, caresses, provokes or chimes...
Colours... hues... emotional palates from sensitives projecting some personal vibe,
Sitting glued we applaud each talent... far from thought to heckle, scoff or to jibe.
I hear word paintings spoken with silk tongues evoke sound tapestry at The Tea box,
Aspiring poets, professionals, virgin readers and novices...
The Tea Box... welcomes the lot!



To know of someone in this world who knows you completely...
without wanting to change anything... and sees something more than one can see...
Is great fortune in itself,
To know of someone in this world who knows you... yet you haven't met...
Is a great jewel in the annals of destiny's quest... (With a natural affinity based in trust, perception and ascetic respect!)  


I come to you...
In my style...
Not imposing any systems
Not sounding a personal file,
I come to you...
As a human in just being
Not in competition
Not raining down levels of high or low self esteem
I come to you...
With interest to know
Your person within... and
not the facade you want to show,
I come to you...
With an acceptance of myself
With true acceptance of who you are where no judgement is felt,
I come to you...
In no other guise but a way of consideration that is easily defined,
I try to come to you...
In a favourable stance
Without the weight of suspicion...
keeping our boundaries and guard in tact,
I come to you...
Neither as friend or foe...
But a human... an equal... Though we understand on different roads...
And as someone who is drawn to your warmth
Like a moth to a light bulb,
I come almost with naivete like a child
But if offence is more powerful than mere guile
Then I would loathe to make what is simple into something of a trial,
As I stand to be vulnerable...
As I come to you!

Thursday 11 October 2012


To house an insecurity all of your life...
Trying to find that someone who would become a husband or a wife.
When very young diaries hold secrets for wishes to breathe,
Doubts, fears and observances take precedence at the mental front seat,
Suspicions may fester through each relationship had,
Some fun, some intense, some destructive, some sad,
And yet that child within searches for that one fairytale,
Where total understanding, kindness and perception will prevail...
In someone:
Where the deepest insecurity can be stroked without abuse...
Met with a cushion of knowing, gently dissipating the grip of it's rigid noose,
Which wallows in crippling freedom to be that one and only you,
Not to be totally blended with another's personality losing personal identity,
And yet not so detached that the relation runs on empty,
Ideals are illusions suspended in a sanctuary of cloudy hope,
And the sin of contrariness is the brawn... deceptive trickster gilded to spice up
love's tidal boat,
Relationships thrive on one-another's unspoken need...
When allowed to be shown the mind says... 'Don't do that... it's weak!'


Apprehension brings uncalled for judgement to the eyes,
Usually one of uncertainty tainted with potential lies,
What makes a person dislike another on sight,
What makes a person's 'puffed up' notions of self importance... judge another in degrees of good,wrong or right,
Blinkered aspiration brings a subconscious separation 
of personal preferences... smoozing with like others to fit ambitious expectations,
The gaping mouth of media spews audacious information,
Like psycho influencing many into plastic lifestyles creating depression,   
That... eventually takes over becoming a means to a self gratified end,
A self glorification to claim... in life... doesn't help one on roads of growth to ascend,
But those dark nights come to most... the soul doth scream,
And when it happens rebirth brings much needed food in one's personal stream,
To find yourself is truth... as simple as grass is green! 


For all the struggles
and the strivings,
For all one's troubles
and one's sacrificing's
I inhale deep and exhale long...
in the hue of this moment,
and contemplate the weight of fortune strong
in the gaze of this adverse time so potent,
And gratitude comes to play
You are the ever constant, oh how fortune ever reminds me
That life can only be at it's best when you're in the frame,
For all my trials...
From what my mind thinks are intense or small,
To be with you in the knowledge is my life's windfall.