Monday 29 August 2011


To rinse the mirth granted thus
alone I keep,
No secrets stained to impinge
my worth planted in my soul
to reap,
Encased in this frame is want...
for more which thirst expounds,
That tickles every nook in this
Body to resonate tones in...
silent sounds,
And drawn from a height... and
visualised up from the soil deep
The hue of colours presenting
Inner worlds fixed in serenity!

Sunday 28 August 2011


As to be of loud company in a small
Cocoon of quietude,
The fly takes its sojourn promptly
Over tables of silvery metal surface,
Then casually flies onto my arm...
without a drop of purpose,
Not taking to liking the taste of my
Buzzing off snootily finding pieces
of cake crumb to inspect and munch
perched on a child's metal seat;
Maybe through the fly's thousand
eyes... people mill around liken
to some thousand chinese dolls
On this sun-drenched afternoon
Interrupting my space teasing all
sense of quietude by nauseating
Incessant buzzing;
Happily playing the lounge as people
wave it on as its innocence of being a
nuisance keeps its tune humming...
until the bell for its life finally tolls!


Like matchsticks... people move, sit and eat...
In the lounge,
The overall atmosphere gives off a restrained
cooing sound,
Intermittently the tannoy comes alive to give
Directions; that bends ears to a feminine tone,
Sharp words ring loud, proud and in staccato,
As I look, eyes tired through photo lense imagery,
Scenes conjure visions like paintings of Lowry.