Thursday 29 October 2009


To all servicemen and women who have 
Lost their lives,
The victims or war, sons, daughters,
Husbands, wives,
Not forgetting, girlfriends, boyfriends
Brothers and sisters too, links of distant relatives
Aquaintances we knew.
Young warriors who sacrificed all to serve,
Most veterans are life's legacy of what's been preserved
Should be remembered; not just for here
But, throughout the whole world. 
And indigenous corners where terror's prevalent;
Victims to some, come as toxic pestilence
Slaughtering reason from foreign partial attitudes. 
Giving evidence that's served to be misconstrued,
Whilst bones lay in the sand bring ghosts of irrelevence 
As the history of Gordon stands as one menacing proof,
With Vietnam, WW1 and the heinous WW2. 
All war is fear, and hell is wars chasm placed under 
Its knell,
Tell me who wins, or is healed by wars putrid smell?
Yes, let us remember them!
Give them that eternal day the prize they deserve
Not just for here, but for all over the world.
Hail the memories of those who gave their lives,
For charity and empathy is needed to be realized,
Than the spurious intentions that politics may cry.
But the truth is, that someone dies in battle, to keep 
The wolf from the stead,
And those men and women died so that we can live from
Wars dread!


Wednesday 28 October 2009


I stroll through the fir trees,
Brushed by their chatter,
Goaded by the cool breeze,
Whilst the crows chase each other
From branch to branch, disturbing mounds of snow
Precariously balancing on perspective boughs and
A sight of winter magic never seen, if these trees
Did not exist.

Dusk has a charm that stains the scene;
The endearment, of faces walking, laced in tangerine
By the hue of the setting sun.
And the mist that slowly descends down the slopes 
Of the mountain like a giant yeti,
Trapping all in it's wake, confusing vision, until it's time
Is done.

I stroll through fir trees;
Brushed by their chatter,
Goaded by the cool breeze,
Whilst the crows chase each other cawing playfully
As the stream trickles and natters! 

Tuesday 27 October 2009


The force of my will is in your standing,
The heart of my faith is in your being.

Selflessly guided to take what life has set for you;
Fighting, not the opposite that's there before you,
But challenging the opposite towards the same truth.
Experience is just a minute born
And never ending when we're gone.

It's something I've learned but already know;
That two becomes one when affinity's shown!

Monday 26 October 2009


I read your pain 
In my room soundly late one night,
It sent vibrations calm and clear
Through my heart and mind.
Empathy resounded; without a question why,
You're a stranger hurting, that; 
I could not pass by,
Saw the rose, your chosen symbol, a sign
Of love and light,
Dark thoughts you heed of past issues bring sorrow
To your present time.

Help comes in all guises,
Some too small to see,
Some contributions bring answers inspired,
I say blessed be, times 3.
One-day soon something good 
May come, when you least expect,
That's when providence is to descend
From tears you beget,
You'll know; it's more than a passing phase or a passing friend.
Try living for each moment with a positive view to spend,
For help, hope, love and fortune shall greet you
From these you'll see no end.  

Saturday 24 October 2009


I look onto the mountain and see death,
No other beauty catches one's breath,
The overwhelming potency the mountain ejects,
Is absent in life, in my everydayness.

I struggle to maintain a normal stance,
I struggle to sustain impressions to make others dance
In comfort, of my honesty 
Yet I realize that, I'm just the same in their company,
And reflections of myself, I see in you, which makes this uncanny.

I look onto the mountain and see death,
The gentle throbbing of omnipresent beauty
Caught in each breath,
As the stream chatters merrily
And the pines sway their heads,
Shows me the life that I lead is far from this rest,
And there's never a best, until the beauty of death.
Acceptance is my folly,
Knowing's a fleeting sight amplified in feeling
Is all that is, is all that is only.


Put the love in me
So that I can be your best friend,
Put the trust in me
So that the word 'special' will never end,
Set your sights high on me
So that no matter what I do,
You know that whatever wrong that's done by me
You can always keep the same intensity,
That love will never lose.

Put the troubles on me
So that I can help you out,
Put the joy in me
So that sharing is not with doubt.
It's hard to dare to do these things
I have asked of you,
But I won't abuse or use against you
To sacrifice joy for your soul to diffuse,
Because this feeling's here to a friendship
From me to you.


I take refuge,
Into your delicate protection of love;
Like a beast,
I stamp around leaving scars of pain for you to heal.

The research on the ever growing bond of friendship;
In mutual agreement to knowing one another,
Leading to common sense in understanding.

We have our own unique symbolic way
Of determining our love:
Simply, I yield myself to you
With clumsiness of an ox,
But a heart of someone,
Who's here not to hurt you,
But just to be free,
Within the protection of your love.

Monday 19 October 2009


Everyday people will hurt you.
And everyday people will love you.
You're like a little flower 
That gets trampled on,
They don't realize they've done it
Until it's too late,
The good will pick you up
And put you in a vase,
Not having air to grow 
Into a beautiful flower-
That you so long to be.


A ball of depression coated with confusion,
Groping for an outlet to solve all the problems;
Grasping, for trust and understanding,
Panic stricken securities to doubt everything;
From a speck at the back of the mind,
The ever growing trouble, with non-stop time.
Then a tear appeared for the pain to subside,
Loneliness shows its way in the eyes;
When all is lost, a friend lends a helping hand
For new hope to rise. 

Saturday 17 October 2009


May your day bring peace,
May your day bring abundance,
May your day bring good fortune,
May your day bring good health.
May your day bring riches in spirit,
May your day be remembered for its unique wiles,
May your day bring gratitude to good received in life,
May your day bring prospects for tomorrow's golden times.
May your day be everlasting and of good cheer,
May your day sustain beauty and happiness throughout each
Season in every year.


Enter into rivers of ecstasy with me,
Where excursions of the mind, triggers
Joy so deep,
Enter into my haven where love lives 
And breathes,
No pain, no trauma can enter this scene,
The gateway is open for pure ecstasy.
Endless is oneness that's where passion is,
The rich scented flavours of radiance's
Captured in the imaginings of emotions
Flowery sensations, feelings featured in coloured
On a palate, as pictures are painted while
The mind basks away
In a moonbeam of dreams, brought on by
Inspired states.
Enter in rivers of ecstasy with me,
Where once through the gateway, your
Angel you'll see!


Hearing the tears, without seeing the cry;
The smile in the eyes, with a sorrow inside;
Making ends meet with stresses of life:
Puts a pain to one side:
In a dark filled mood;
'Til by oneself, it's all,
Let loose!
Light, is in the darkest rooms,
It's felt in the breeze,
The power of good;
One step forward for yourself to improve.

Thursday 15 October 2009


Let love and respect
Be the basis of all thinking,
The foundation of all living,
The example of all growing.

Let love and respect
Be the truth in all action,
The outcome to all reaction,
The solution to consequence's attraction.

Let love and respect
Be the wisdom of all choices,
The heart of all voices heard,
The expression in all noises.

Let love and respect
Be a modal to build all life from,
Be the parent in all human life forms,
Be the root from which greatness spawns.

Let love and respect exude nectar behind all tears,
Healing the darkness in all fears,
Bringing light throughout each year.

Let love and respect's own language sing it's song,
Reverberating through everyone,
Until all life is done.  

Tuesday 13 October 2009


Captured in the real essence of her being,
No matter what emotions are to-ing or throwing,
She doesn't back down or give in let alone withdraw as 'poor me' victim.
Optimism abounds with the full force of her giving:
She spreads love like a fountain without a tap, with no respect for secrecy, because love is for the world to see;
A belief in her, so natural and unquestionably free.
Moments of these compatible shades,
Wash away times, when discord and ill feeling have brought disarray,
And govern all thought of what is said
Without which, contusion often grows towards disdain and regret.

One gets hurt the other bruised,
Misunderstanding at some point, is let loose;
And wreaked its havoc, showing the worst of what arguments can do.
Then something is said to break the atmosphere,
A jokey sarcasm that's brought laughter to tears,
That's when I know love in this world is shared,
Linked to all emotional states caring enough for conditions to be cleared,
Without holding a grudge or scars to bear;
Or marking sad moments for shedding future fears,
With true understanding her heart gently says,
That I'm her love, and there's no need to be scared!

Saturday 10 October 2009


The Brave Lion stands on the white cliff high,
Is a guiding light; 
Keeping himself within low intensity as not to blind
And scare his opponent into hysterical fear,
Careful, not to blow his time through their chastising sneers.
Slowly recognized in making change for what's right,
From one simple belief, a better living world life.
What's been seen is him receiving a prize,
Can be read as offensive from a gesture so kind,
But his importance is clear:
It's beyond the accolades, titles or prizes he bears. 
Chosen to raise hearts and minds,
To bring stable relations in all areas worldwide,
But! Will the cunning fox, jackals and elitist tribe,
Blow the Brave Lion's light out, before his time?

Friday 9 October 2009


Miss Daventry;
Your smokey voice,
Exudes tones of sadness
Touching hearts;
Through its graceful noise,
Miss Daventry;
I've seen you from afar,
Your demeanour dances
With a poise of latin class.
Yet, deep inside smoulders a fire
Of immense passion
Concentrated, under guard.
Miss Daventry;
You let your priorities show,
That family and friends
Are your primary pose,
Providing when needed
For your inner circle and crew,
So, another album
Comes out for world view,
Yet this was not the course you wanted to pursue.
But Miss Daventry;
It was your fated road,
A path you took that life imposed,
Maybe deep down inside,
True desire you hide,
But honesty you bear through your songs don't lie,
Saying it's true love you cherish above all, you can't find!


From broken glass,
From the remnants of the splinters scattered;
Each particle reflects lines on your face,
Caused by ill fortune, life torn in tatters.
Could not see the wood for the trees,
Could not find a way for a smooth run;
Where the road never bends,
Where your eyes always sees the sun,
And smooth waters kiss analogy to living and striving upwards in calm.

Making a choice led you to walls;
Making decisions led you to closed doors
Setting you back on a pregnant pause,
Walking with them who walk the moors
Of loneliness, alone for a while, whilst the chill of the unknown howls and calls.

A friend watches from the other side;
You scream for a week, shut down, when he left your life.
You vowed you will never fall;
You travel new paths of life, ever chasing more,
Instinct keeps you climbing, climbing to a place where you can be secure
On every level, without nagging fears, a place in life that's sure, 
Everyday you ascend higher in expectation with anticipating desires of
seeing more.

And one may say:

Climbing to the top is optional
But coming down is compulsory,
From any height in life, being grounded is reality.
Showing the measure of manifested might
Is how you apply yourself to achieve,
Setting goals to accomplish status is fine,
But nothing's more rewarding than reaching the dream.

Shallow attitudes sail like ships without a rudder 
Bombard the mind constantly,
And all you've asked for, are the fruits of your labour.


Always be lovely,
Stay the way that you are:
Although life may throw consternation in your way
Without any partial contract to its infinite play,
And you may change course repeatedly,
Or simply, be how you think others think you should be,
Never lose sight of your fine nature; that infectious personality
Of warmth, which everyone feels when in your presence,
The sunshine that lights up the place, with enthusiasm
Insatiable, illuminating the whole of your stature without reticence.
So always be lovely,
Stay the way that you are,
Because life will always present consternation
Seeing if you will change your light into dark,
Be lovely, Always stay as you are,
Because all of you is that which is love unfailing, since the very start. 

Thursday 1 October 2009


Streams talk; As I walk,
In front of awe and magnificence
Winds beckon and call;
The range inspires humility and beneficence
With invincible silence shouting its brawn,
Blue skies cradle the backdrop whilst the sun
Explodes rays onto peaks, and ominous glaciers
Showing off the beauty of its cold face,
As people in the village below walk around 
Insignificantly, to its splendour and imposing grace. 

Dare to challenge its might:
And if kind, it will grandly welcome the fight
For you to climb its peaks in the gaze of sunlight,
Bringing the spirit of the range of Mont Blanc, to be etched in one's soul; 
That's if, it is decided by it, to be deservedly so,
Otherwise only the spark of its magic, will be glimpsed and caught by 
this fierce, and awesome sight of wonder whilst we insatiably look on 
and portray in an array of mental scenes
Life of beauty, and appreciation as we harbour its form.