Saturday 31 July 2010


Two remarkably caring people
With the initials D and R,
Have an incessant disposition,
Giving unfailingly with an open heart,
They're two of life's rare treasures,
A strong family love they impart,
To know them is to love them
No matter who you are.

They find joy in giving surprises,
One's gratitude seems not enough,
And whenever there's a crisis,
They're the first to see things get done,
Giving of their time too, is constant,
It comes quite naturally,
Seems like 'no' is not an option,
If they can help, so it shall be.

And for their Sis's landmark b-day,
T'was a beautiful foreign treat,
It took her breath away so much
Thoughts of home would not compete.
'How marvelous you two are doing
Such a lovely thing!'
Here's a toast to you D and R...
Thank you both for everything.


Outstanding!... Whose senses could not be shaken,
By this glorious scene unmistaken,
It's like beauty's soul has awakened.
Is it love manifested as a sight in weary eyes?
Or a symphony:
Overtures caught, possessed in nature's physical
Bound in rustic affluence of classic splendour,
Rich is history proud outgoing, the native tender,
As the smooth noise of latin tongues speak,
Though commendable, never spoiling for the air of
being meek,
While unspoken whispers in flowing waters carry
Insatiable peace
Overseen, in all majesty, by the imposing grace of
Tree-lined mountain peaks.
Are the vibrations of eden's garden vested here?
A sense of enchanted paradise, the persuasion
Of magic ensconsed, are felt dancing here and there,
No other place captures beauty as potent as this
to bear!

Thursday 29 July 2010


Through classic curtains and large french doors onto the balcony,
Stepping into stunning sights rife in picturesque alchemy,
A piano's heard, a backdrop, playing recognizable tones,
The ear-licious sound floats daintily in the breeze creating love...
gentle sojourns to those authentic zones.

Even the seagull takes a spurious moment from flight to chill,
Whilst the lake, ah the lake mysterious, magnificent, surreal,
Expresses a lady like response that would break a heart or kill,
Touching sweetly, she kisses with her unlimited, irresistable air
Yet strong sensuous will.

As evening roams the twilight, and night descends,
'Here's' beauty captured in romance, omnipotence
Flaunting in ernest a satiable pretence power to pretend,
Shown through the ages, those souls leaving worlds behind
Seeking refuge for either, long or short whiles, come
To this exquisite repose for whatever means, proposed to expend.


A palatial atmosphere,
A colourful past,
An enchanting air,
Steeped in magical essence
floating, unknowingly set to last,
Kings, Queens, Celebrities
Businessmen, Heirs, and
Characters of the Arts,
Have been, and are touched
by the grace and splendour
The great lake imparts,
Looking through large windows
From the presidential room,
She caresses and embraces
Imagination... no less than
How Heaven would bloom.


In her white roman style kaftan flowing,
She admires the bewitching, beguiling sea view,
Transfixed, serene like a siamese cat expressing,
Warm beatitudes describing the lake's mood, glacier
range and sunny sky so deep blue,
Emphatically her words fill ears with passion as if
Like willing it to be, so this wish could come true,
That living on these shores of the briny water poses
To be a lifetime achievement, a jewel,
Without which no-where else would come close or do.

Wednesday 28 July 2010


Do you know of a place like this elsewhere?
Exceptional time graces the charm of fragrant air,
It cannot be measured and is so without compare,
Lost in the silence of its tireless golden space,
Is a cradle of beauty at the centre of the lake,
Seen by most kinds of boats through ages past,
Chance has come soaking the time at full mast.

Inquisitive eyes can see the general lay from there,
Textures hitting the senses like a tonic of aromatic
Nectar lost to lonely cares,
Picturesque sightings of villages posing generously,
Peer through the trees show off classic architecture
displayed precociously,
Cannot be captured at the waters edge only at the centre
Where the heart captures nebulas glimpses of wholeness
And welcomes the unaccustomed hum of being blessed.

Moods of silence strum to the feel of insignificance,
The motor boat stationary suggests altered indifference,
Urging impressions of the mind to rule,
Doth yield helplessly to the call of gratitude,
The centre of the lake air, curbs the pride of defences,
While love that looms, bathes in timeless reverie and
Savours an extraordinary moment toward reminiscences.

Sunday 18 July 2010


The teacher was happy and loud,
''She said yes to a date I'm so proud,''
His brother scoffed said ''That's naughty,
She's eighteen 'n' you're forty,
Get real take your head out the clouds!''


There was an old racehorse from Stoke,
Won the Grand race as a colt,
Was the prize of the city,
Head swelled what a pity,
One night was struck by a stray lightning bolt!


And sycophants hang on every
Word he squawks,
Not cross questioning a thing
When he talks,
Saying they love his capers,
Whilst looking for favours,
No meat 'n' potatus they court!


She came the 'Daughter of the city,' (concubine)
With intent of marriage poised on her breath,
His kingdom flowed with gold, spice and riches,
The grand prize was to be Queen in his bed,
Betrayed by love, he took his revenge,
Marrying others but slaying them each night,
She was summoned to his chamber,
Touched by this beautiful stranger
With exotic charm, telling tales making him blind.
Her stories kept hold as nights followed days
Until the King fell madly in love,
She broke the chains of his vengeful pain
Captivated, he heard all 'til they were done,
Sheherazade rose to become his good faithful Queen,
A journey she'd set out to achieve,
Bore him three kids, showed how deceptive she'd been
Saving her life and attaining her dream.
Love filled the King's heart where great pain had lived
Both had won, now joy was grand once again,
She lived out her life with full honours as Queen
Knowing the King's love was hers forever amen.

Friday 16 July 2010


Fashioned into positions of acceptance,
Life assures through consequence,
Child, adolescence and adulthood
the common sentence,
as the in-betweens, emotions, dreams,
Psychological issues, move with the
physical appliance,
Modes of conditioning, intention and
Lay air filled foundations, rebellious angst
courting degrees of determined hunger for
ambitious vainglorious reliance,
There's no physical past to live and comprehend,
There's only the present; show to live and tend,
There's no future but its space filled with intent,
But the manifestations of a blessing or curse cannot
show before then.

Tuesday 13 July 2010


Suspended in the swift present,
How delicate and beautiful it is
As distraction enters the reverie
of 'nows' involvement,
Patterns of living take to their
usual appearance and positions of
residence, carrying on pursuing the
everydayness that proudly persists.

Monday 12 July 2010


Tinges of shadowy impressions creep into the present.
Stories, reminiscences and schoolyard whiles told;
In hotel rooms a scene's captured watched by the
moon's shiny essence,
An occasion printed for memory whilst on the road.
Holding court, a catalyst of sorts, but there's also a
tendency, under influence, to bark, brace and balk,
Telling many tales creating much laughter and retorts,
An atmosphere alive with spirited fun and frolic spark
gut wrenching guffaws of laughter when cartoon imagery
from stories are caught.
A smoke shared, graced by a glass of Bolly,
Loosening the tongue forging a rouse towards states of
Bringing more of the past back into the nights charade,
Making all appear rather good, game and most jolly!

Yet still living in a world of glamourous re-runs,
Faded glamour, clutching onto residues of whispery,
transient fame,
'Oh how wise, it seems, these nights are; to manifest
themselves somewhat allowing revisits into those
nebulas, illusive, yesterdays,'
But irrepressible is the mind's constant knocking of
nostalgia; never tiring
And never stops looking through its tinsel coloured frame.