Monday 29 August 2011


To rinse the mirth granted thus
alone I keep,
No secrets stained to impinge
my worth planted in my soul
to reap,
Encased in this frame is want...
for more which thirst expounds,
That tickles every nook in this
Body to resonate tones in...
silent sounds,
And drawn from a height... and
visualised up from the soil deep
The hue of colours presenting
Inner worlds fixed in serenity!

Sunday 28 August 2011


As to be of loud company in a small
Cocoon of quietude,
The fly takes its sojourn promptly
Over tables of silvery metal surface,
Then casually flies onto my arm...
without a drop of purpose,
Not taking to liking the taste of my
Buzzing off snootily finding pieces
of cake crumb to inspect and munch
perched on a child's metal seat;
Maybe through the fly's thousand
eyes... people mill around liken
to some thousand chinese dolls
On this sun-drenched afternoon
Interrupting my space teasing all
sense of quietude by nauseating
Incessant buzzing;
Happily playing the lounge as people
wave it on as its innocence of being a
nuisance keeps its tune humming...
until the bell for its life finally tolls!


Like matchsticks... people move, sit and eat...
In the lounge,
The overall atmosphere gives off a restrained
cooing sound,
Intermittently the tannoy comes alive to give
Directions; that bends ears to a feminine tone,
Sharp words ring loud, proud and in staccato,
As I look, eyes tired through photo lense imagery,
Scenes conjure visions like paintings of Lowry.

Monday 27 June 2011


I challenge beliefs held dear for many years,
And came to a conclusion that something is'nt clear,
To realise questions cannot be answered
when it comes to who... or what... and how you are...
in acute summation of innate stock...
Maybe one could look casually into the illusive mirror
of the all knowing sphere, tap into ones eternal clock;
Does looking obsessively takes away from...knowing
and seeing?
There's a point... to be observed in a kind of new light
One thing common to observe is the gift of breathing,
And that bees do not ask and birds do not wonder...
How they're moved to flight,
And trees will not question how they grow, some so tall
and so upright;
The fish is comfortable where it resides... air and land
they do not seek,
Animals that look at man from zoo cages do they think...
'What a peculiar kind of arrogant freak?'
Because the glory... of what life's all about is just is...
How it is... and maybe just should be;
Being is everything realised... the prize we mistakenly
Deceive ourselves to delusive explanations and fail to
profoundly understand and see!


Stream in more sunset through that stoic
You bring a sure bet...
Dying for night to show off its dark glow,
Break in the twilight where mystery lays
claim to reality...
And morphs into the dawn to herald the
morn of a new day...
As the whisperings of nature drown...
In the incessant soire of conscious play
Impressed without mercy into the noise
And crackle of people's working wake!

Monday 20 June 2011


Enter the realms of global angst assertive disillusion,
Filling emotions and thinking with mixed confusion,
Theories abound... to concentrate on'here' and 'now,'
And even the men and women who've written these
Things, end dissatisfied in academia's cerebral cloud,
There's always a smart spark in some far off future
Disproving theories seeing a higher proclamation,
And so for a period... this star lights up every shore,
Layer upon layers of a culture and education is led by
this historical anomaly... like once led by Newton's law,
But still... will the ordinary man, woman and child
Be fed... on the political scraps society dishes out?
That day... where some man's extreme vision... to the
likes of 1984, Brave New World and New World Order
are covenants to be!
Smoking up worlds without fires... inducing plastic fixes
Sterile froth as mandate to all living...
Hail! technology's soul has arrived...
To make a sanitised spiritualess existence go slowly by...

Sunday 19 June 2011


Eternity is within... some say...within the temple
of the heart,
Is this where we're to begin?
To see through the senses... a path...of ways
in which to visit the infinite...present and past,
To make sense of some perpetual future chase...
Just missing its reach... far from holding grace,
What bones can be picked to learn from a great
Words! Are we to believe those gems to be a truth?
And trust. How can much wisdom of old... have such
profound proof?
Copious volumes of wisdom written in books...
Lasting thousands of years... is this evidence to a
necessary clue?
Proof saddled on a realised master who had once served?
Sending some away with pearls in the guise of his words
to ponder; to live by... or to be getting on with!
Is this a sublime way to having gems, or be clothed in the
safe haven of the absurd?
Can we dare to begin to see beyond the boundaries of
For us all to grasp... and be blessed with grace and
understanding of true mirth,
Grounded one has to be...they say... to capture a mere
glimpse of the universe...
and feel the twilight unfold in a split plinth of its wake.
If belief is not forth coming... will I then...for a while...
Ride the mythic horse of blind faith?
Based on tales... picked up in bastardised fashion's... sport
and exotic ways...
Throughout years of a life-long, personal pace...
And then resignation calls me to fumble quietly in a haze...
of mild madness
'til one-day a eureka moment... a breakthrough sends raw
Delusion back to the place from whence it came?


Is comfort housed in dreams or daydreams...
Or sitting in the totality of the here and now?
For everyday there's... always ahead racing...
In thinking what is going to be; who's done
what and how,
Anxiety is all present from the top of society
To the person looking for food before going
to sleep,
Never a day passes by in wondering what is a
lucrative way to substantiate a good up keep,
Hard work can make you feel good about
yourself on a path that brings whatever is due,
But... the monster... the paper prophet always
rears its ugly presence... and greed bankrupts
worlds... changing all good life we once knew!


What am I to do with this?
Another day tainted with insecure thoughts of a future fix
but dowsed in hopeful bliss,
And all I stomach to muster...
Is faith beyond this earthly... some call reality... of practical
responsibilities... ever dancing doing their daily trysts,
And gently... soothes the the enticing waves of the nebulas
Shore... as thought rides into the spheres of Neptune's grey
illusive abyss...
Confusing evermore, insecurity that scatters tension with
sores of loaded stress...
'til longing becomes obsession to join the ranks of wanton
Oh! how ironic... success! isn't that as nebulas as the baneful
Insecurity it begets?

Thursday 9 June 2011


A mooring at 7.ooam...
In the lock the slender body... coated with flower designs, dressed the
background painted red,
A man on the port side disturbs the dawn quiet... whistles over again
the same tune... as his partner comes up from breakfast... bumps her
silky-grey head,
I stood at the window curious to know... as if watching a casual feat,
Could not sleep the night... as the sun rose its bald yellow crown,
The boat was a charming sight... whilst I arranged my balcony seat,
I ached to admire its wooden frame without grace in slippers, pants
and gown,
40 after 7 at the canal; the slender red boat went...
Through the lock gates deliberately... like giving its own ceremony,
I raised my arms and stretched, yawning with mouth open agape
The man and woman looked up and behold! began to wave to me,
Ah! the funniest thing... saw a heron near by raise its tube like neck,
Turned my way... and then precociously began to shake its beak,
Found myself responding... waving, then thought, 'what ever next?
Out of the red long boat... man and wife this bird had my interest...

Monday 6 June 2011


An air consumed with impartial grace,
Coming lo... from a warm distant place,
A conduit of light playing a lovely tune,
With only concern for the highest good,
Yet though human...treads through veils
of worlds beyond,
And in, of this world is the giving strong,
For this my gratitude lingers,
From the gift to these hands and fingers,
To receive the tide of vibrations sent...
I count my fortune for that distant lone
From that special one... unseen whos
Vocation's gladly set and cannot be...spent!

Monday 14 March 2011


A fox in a pen-
Chickens clucking here and there,
The noise of a gun.


A swan is swimming,
Food is thrown into the lake
Wings beating water.

Sunday 13 March 2011


A rose on the lawn
bees prodding for pollen
Petals float to ground.


A man drove his car
Deep into beautiful glades
Woke up by the clock.


Two of me walking
Bridges passed by over brooks
The sun makes shadows.


A tree in the park
A pigeon flies from the nest
The ruffling of leaves.

Thursday 17 February 2011


I wade through aspects currently of partial detachment,
But it comes at a price,
My expression of love is more of profound attachment,
But I see another's actions ring cold as ice,
I've experienced others many colours from within...
In attitudes, behaviour patterns from the simple to the
Maybe it's felt by them I'm as cold in their mirror...
yet if they knew...there's a well filled with love, respect
and empathy, encased in my casket of day to day living.
And when someone, on help given; say they're touched,
I'm humbled... overjoyed for I am touched just as much!

Thursday 20 January 2011


The sprinkling of time without care spared
Came waking me to an unexpected soothe,
Love, like a flower had slowly opened inside
Paused anxiously then started to bloom,
A release of its fragrance tinged with spice
Spurred on my endearment's perfume,
Mental pictures of happy wiles echo deep cries
Of... what would I do if I were to lose you?


You stand in my line of vision; purposely,
Slithering over your boyfriend; explicitly,
If I didn't know better I'd think you were flirting,
But I looked deeper; below the surface, and saw...
You were hurting!

Thursday 6 January 2011


Like someone who insists
on creating drama,
There's no solving any practical bent.
Like someone who insists
on being adverse,
There's no reasoning to curb
their deliberate intent.
Like someone who insists
in hating,
No compassion can quell
that emotive tune.
Like someone who strives for
absolute power,
No pacifist can separate the hero from the fool.
Like someone who insists
on controlling,
When defied, intelligence is not their friend.
Like someone who thrives on insecurity;
playing being a victim,
No cajoling is antidote
for such emotion to make amends.
Like someone who insists
on being wilful,
Will only burn when the fire takes its toll.
Like the power some folks wield
which all can see but hidden... like a haystack
No force can undermine
Except when the wind blows!


No matter where we are from we are
Citizens... Citizens of the world.
Each and every human that's
Born has a right to live and exist.
We walk side by side and feed souls
Both wretched or divine,
The spark of true love and light
streaming down from on high.
The alchemy of the beautiful fields
And dimension's of life...
Become the wrath of Divine Majesty
When tampered with by those...
Ignorant and devoid of any notion
Of what the Architect would have for us
Beyond the universal sky!!