Saturday 29 September 2012


Reality of the self is not the thought or broadcast,
The expression, impression or the action of what you think being true is,
It is knowing your truth and applying it!


Venturing into the dark waters of the self,
The extreme illogical blueprints...images floating precariously...
At random in the layers of my subconscious shelf,
I try to find a measure of exemplifying my innocence,
To give some clue... that we have in us profound beneficence,
Though I find it so hard to measure up to the splendour of flowers...
The nature in all things, the tick of hours... all this I accept as magnificence
Yet in my imposed solitude I loiter like a wilting the might in nature's beauty seen...
Only such a way... deceives me into impotence.   


The body we live in... is an intelligent animal,
Some may call it a conduit...a tree... a temple,
Needing to be fed, to have rest, to be nourished to be healthy and to keep well oiled its personal rationale,
So that the mortality of its life though inevitable...
Can sustain a sense of meaning,
That proves its worthy cause in all of its travels for existing,
Instead...  perspective is distorted by a media spewing vegetables,
blinkered by futile whims of plastic narcissistic designs created... not easily digestable,
For those who are born and live in a body that's of obese design,
Don't feel comfortable in the world where stick people reside,
Much business is being sown to keep looking eternally young...
by any means is remarkable... the addiction is an abuse for paranoia to run...
For some... iconic influence and fashion conscious dictatorships flourish incessantly the Fagin's of glamour sell fancies and promote favours false views of  immortality,
But beauty is the only fruit of that which is the essence... illogical, yet alive, emotive... yet of unexplainable origins of intelligence... housed until the end in the body of the human animal and yet delicately lives unnoticed, sometimes forgotten...
But never unshakable!  

Sunday 23 September 2012


Unification a vision of a future world seated in progressive aspiration,
Seeping through layers of morality, compassion, decency and ethical emancipation...
From levels of suffering, war, prejudice and atrocious social situations,
Each individual welcomes the thought of a peaceful respiration,
But... some dismiss this as a futile dream for dreamers who live without the problems or troubles to breathe,
Known in their place far from the adverse crowd, far from distant shores of depressive hate filled scenes,
As those choose to walk in the ways of many, asleep... to the signs of basic human needs,
Love, respect and peace!

Each person born is unique cannot be duplicated and so, the act of unifying as one
has possibilities,
That to realize a time where the few do not subjugate the many a power of the community we feel deep inside naturally,
Even the theory of unification has it's flaws but it's a thought towards a new global cultural awakening,
Intended for good without losing who you are and where you're from and the wisdom of our past great history... as the stars shine bright we see beauty at night but take for granted the essence of living!

Seek not for a unification to have the whole world be enslaved into oppressive systems and numbed into acts of ignorance heralding a course for an ill fated chill!