Wednesday 3 February 2010


I keep thinking of you.
And if I were to come to terms with the fact
that I cannot do without you for any length of time,
I would have flown back home on the first night,
The excuse to go away for my career is almost out of sight,
Because now all I want is you by my side
To fly away together to our island we had planned on the 
first night we met,
Those long wishful talks I will never forget,
How paradise was for a moment, spent,
Making me realize I regret
going away is a painful fret,
Knowing we are most important together is my content,
And everything else is a secondary step.

I feel it more when the chips are down,
That there are more important things in life than a 
successful clown,
You may have many who care how you live and they'll 
be always around,
But I only have you, to keep my feet on the ground.

When you go on your ventures and holidays,
I can sit at home, wait for you to phone and pray,
Knowing you'll return one day,
But when I leave you behind, 
It's a different story that shines,
Because I need you around me all the time,
You're the kind of person one dare not leave outside,
so precious and unique to be left hanging too long a time,
For the tearing pain of missing you, could never leave
my heart and mind,
That's something I cherish, that keeps me in touch with you 
in every pulse of my daily life.


  1. What a lovely poem and it applies to anyone who misses someone special.



  2. That's a good one coming up to valentines day.


  3. Mushy but I like it



  4. Thanks Jade, for your nice comment.

    Thanks Jupiterchildren, for your kind comment.

    Thanks Moonshineday, good point, hadn't thought of it like that.

    Thanks Snowshoe, glad you like it.
