Thursday 29 October 2009


To all servicemen and women who have 
Lost their lives,
The victims or war, sons, daughters,
Husbands, wives,
Not forgetting, girlfriends, boyfriends
Brothers and sisters too, links of distant relatives
Aquaintances we knew.
Young warriors who sacrificed all to serve,
Most veterans are life's legacy of what's been preserved
Should be remembered; not just for here
But, throughout the whole world. 
And indigenous corners where terror's prevalent;
Victims to some, come as toxic pestilence
Slaughtering reason from foreign partial attitudes. 
Giving evidence that's served to be misconstrued,
Whilst bones lay in the sand bring ghosts of irrelevence 
As the history of Gordon stands as one menacing proof,
With Vietnam, WW1 and the heinous WW2. 
All war is fear, and hell is wars chasm placed under 
Its knell,
Tell me who wins, or is healed by wars putrid smell?
Yes, let us remember them!
Give them that eternal day the prize they deserve
Not just for here, but for all over the world.
Hail the memories of those who gave their lives,
For charity and empathy is needed to be realized,
Than the spurious intentions that politics may cry.
But the truth is, that someone dies in battle, to keep 
The wolf from the stead,
And those men and women died so that we can live from
Wars dread!



  1. This would be a good one to read at Poppy day services - like this .


  2. Very emotive .


  3. Thanks Snowshoe, glad you like it!
