Tuesday 13 October 2009


Captured in the real essence of her being,
No matter what emotions are to-ing or throwing,
She doesn't back down or give in let alone withdraw as 'poor me' victim.
Optimism abounds with the full force of her giving:
She spreads love like a fountain without a tap, with no respect for secrecy, because love is for the world to see;
A belief in her, so natural and unquestionably free.
Moments of these compatible shades,
Wash away times, when discord and ill feeling have brought disarray,
And govern all thought of what is said
Without which, contusion often grows towards disdain and regret.

One gets hurt the other bruised,
Misunderstanding at some point, is let loose;
And wreaked its havoc, showing the worst of what arguments can do.
Then something is said to break the atmosphere,
A jokey sarcasm that's brought laughter to tears,
That's when I know love in this world is shared,
Linked to all emotional states caring enough for conditions to be cleared,
Without holding a grudge or scars to bear;
Or marking sad moments for shedding future fears,
With true understanding her heart gently says,
That I'm her love, and there's no need to be scared!


  1. this is lovely , it captures the feelings so beautifully.

    Love it


  2. beautiful poetry and touches the soul


  3. Thanks Snowshoe, for your heartfelt comments!!

    Thanks Sarah, for your lovely comment!
