Sunday 31 October 2010


Spoilt, by the fear of losing,
Too ready to walk away
From trying,
Handling the self without
In laying weight on
Someone else's head,
(Living and thinking
a past glory perception)
Putting a barrier up out
Of reach of criticism,
But always ready to lash
The whip on whoever
Crosses the territory,
(Venturing into close
The excuse is: 'take as
I am,
Its natural to behave
this way,'
All ready open to analyze
And want to know other
Selves inside and out,
But no-one dare step
Up to forward a view on
character assessment
Or make-up
Unless of course, flattery
softens a moody fount,
Holding back on shades
of giving,
Is this, the prime example
An insecure person who's
they're strong?
Lifting the barrier on good
moments when it suits, then
Bringing it down when those
Moments aren't to show,
All in all a delicate...
personality disposition,
that plays the leading role,
To protect an easily burned
person below!