In the wake of my storm,
The fiery furnace that towers,
Bends a welcome stifling the sun
Whilst my soul doth mourn.
Like a metronome:
The seconds tick away in silent space,
Caged in the quarries of time
They cannot escape.
I bear their grudges.
Creeping out beneath the slush and grime,
That thoughts imprint in my mind,
A sloth would have a better time,
And not take upon itself the guilt that lies,
In the convicted seconds and minutes of
The side effects of insanity's rise.
Sleep you hours,
In the coldness of my waking sleep,
Because when you wake, joy will be there
To appreciate and to greet.
this is great - love it
Really like this too VF
I love this one too.....
Thanks Moonshineday, for your enthusiastic
Thanks Dewdrop, glad you like it!
Thanks Jupiterchildren, glad you like it too!