Saturday 22 August 2009


My guided friend,
I see the help you have given,
Not obvious but hidden,
Your loyalty whispered unnoticed through each season,
From when so young the roads strived you've driven,
And provisions made, for others dreams to come to fruition.

My guided friend,
I see the strength in your courage,
The dignity displayed for truth you've tried to forage,
It's by fates hand to help not discourage,
And bring you to heights in your talents and potentials through its 
wisdom and knowledge,

Do not fret or be afraid my guided friend,
Be angry, resentful for as long as that time's spent,
For when adversity plays, it never lasts, and soon ends,
Never forget what you've achieved for so many in this life,
And do not let their dismissal tear you inside,
It takes time for some to realize,
That nothing in life is random, your deeds you can cherish with great pride,
And yet, it's seems that when giving, does not register in your mind. 

Your seed, though profound in this life has been sown,
May you reap for yourself the golden harvest that is yours, and yours alone!


  1. Adding you to my blog .....

    Enjoying the poems ....


  2. Hi Violetflame
    Drop on by my blog -

    See you there ....
