Sunday 8 August 2010


Today, when early morning in bed,
A major attack of dizziness entered
My head,
Had to get up and open the window,
Felt the need for fresh air to calm this
Swirling inflow,
Still light headed, washed and cleaned
My teeth,
It took all my energy to dress...
Then walk the street,
Headed for breakfast...
Two miles to the caff by bus,
Was disorientated sat motionless...
Tried to think, but could not,
Got off, walked to the desired place...
Felt physically light and wobbly,
'Have no reason to be this way'...
Said to myself quite oddly,
Comforted inside, didn't feel ill...
Throughout the day,
Sat and ate my breakfast, fried eggs...
tomatoes, coffee, toast and marmalade,
Decided to relax and read a book, some
Chapters and a page,
After which thought it strange to have
Experienced such a state,
Where many others fit and sane felt...
Symptoms quite the same,
Some say, it's earth vibrations rumbling...
Signs towards the mayans predicted age,
Maybe, I was just hungry and needed...
Food in my cage!


  1. funny - there was a mystical air to this but then again could have been lack of food

    Good one


  2. Thanks Jupiterchildren, it's one of those either or things, take your pick!
