Filling emotions and thinking with mixed confusion,
Theories abound... to concentrate on'here' and 'now,'
And even the men and women who've written these
Things, end dissatisfied in academia's cerebral cloud,
There's always a smart spark in some far off future
Disproving theories seeing a higher proclamation,
And so for a period... this star lights up every shore,
Layer upon layers of a culture and education is led by
this historical anomaly... like once led by Newton's law,
But still... will the ordinary man, woman and child
Be fed... on the political scraps society dishes out?
That day... where some man's extreme vision... to the
likes of 1984, Brave New World and New World Order
are covenants to be!
Smoking up worlds without fires... inducing plastic fixes
Sterile froth as mandate to all living...
Hail! technology's soul has arrived...
To make a sanitised spiritualess existence go slowly by...